Alison Curtis

Jewellery retailer


Place of birth: Hobart

Year of birth: 1964

Lived in Launceston: All my life

I’ve had a very enjoyable life to date.  My parents were caring and instilled traditional values - etiquette and respect.  I hated high school, but had wonderful weekends riding my horses with my friends around the hills of Riverside and Danbury Park. 
In my early twenties I travelled to Europe. This was a turning point, as it opened my eyes to how lucky we are in Tasmania, how much we take for granted, and the opportunities we have to be successful yet live in a region which is beautiful and unpretentious. 
My partner, Jean-Luc, and I have built a beautiful home on the coast at Tam O’Shanter.  It’s 45 minutes commute, but the lifestyle is amazing.  We look straight onto the water, and watch pods of dolphins and seals.  The sunsets are incredible

Andrew Anstie


Alf Stackhouse