Denise Donaldson

Sales Consultant


Place of birth: Launceston

Year of birth: 1952

Lived in Launceston: All my Life

Started real estate 1994, had no intention of doing so, was out of work for three months and applied to just about everything and had an interview (not realising it was for real estate, thought it was for just sales consultant) was successful, totally didn’t want to do it but thought I’ll give it a go and as they say the rest is history
Married in 1976 to a family of cricketers, became part of the South Launceston cricket club doing lunches, afternoon teas, fundraising and organised a ladies committee which ran for many years.  I also served on the committee as treasurer and secretary for many years
In 1998 I was nominated for life membership of South Launceston  cricket club, the first lady in nearly 100 years to be awarded this honour.  I continued to serve the club doing so far about 25 to 30 years

Leoni Duff


Mark Snooks