Georgia Curtis, Aurane Loury & Annie Curtis

French exchange student & Host Family

Born in: Launceston

Year of birth: between 1992 & 1994

Lived in Launceston: All their Lives

Aurane has become another sister to me. Although communication hasn’t always been easy we have been able to laugh our way through this everyday.
— Annie
Having Aurane stay with us has been an experience of a lifetime. Living with a teenager from a different culture made me realise just how similar we all are. I hope one day I will be brave enough to live in another part of the world and experience different cultures.
— Georgia

Born in: Launceston Clermont-Ferrand, France

Year of birth: between 1995

Lived in Launceston: for 1 month

Je suis arrivé ici il y a 1 mois mais je peux déjà dire que cette expérience aura changé quelque chose à ma vie. En Tasmanie beaucoup de choses sont differentes (Les cours ...) et il m’a fallu un petit moment pour m’adapter. cette expérience ‘a aussi apporté beaucoup de nouvelles rencontres avec des gens très differents qui m’on fait découvrir de nouvelle culture. C’est raiment fantastique ! De plus, j’ai trouvé une famille qui m’a acueilli et fais connaître un autre partit du monde et je les en remercie du plus profond de mon cœur. Je vis quelque chose d’inoubliable et cette endrois fais désormais partit de ma vie.”

I arrived here 1 month ago but I can say that this experience changed something in my life. In Tasmania a lot of things are different (school...) and I needed a little moment to adapt myself. This experience has brought a lot of meeting with people who are really different and I can discover a new culture. It’s just fantastic! second, I found a family who received me and helped me to discover another part of the world and I say to them ‘thank you’ with my heart. I live something unforgettable and this place is consequently a part of my life.
— Aurane

George Bailey


Emily Rose Wills