Tegan Lumsden

High school student/Youth advisory council/City mission volunteer


Place of birth: Nowra

Year of birth: 1994

Lived in Launceston: for 5 years

City Mission is an incredible organization that helps out people less fortunate then ourselves. Every Monday I visit City Mission to talk to it’s clients. In the afternoon I visit a mostly poor community with the city Mission food van and we serve food and drinks to the people living there. Through the West Tamar Youth Advisory Council I get to have an input into what goes on for the kids in the area and share my opinions on different matters. At school I am the charities Officer in the student Leader’s Council, this position lets me help as many organizations and charities as I can. In the future I hope to volunteer my time in third world countries. Poverty is a terrible injustice and I will fight for the end of poverty for as long as I can. I wish to become a counselor and to help the kids in the poorer communities to have a better future. It is most important to me to help my community, state, country and world in any way I can.

PCYC Womens Weightlifting Team


Fiona Abernathy