Zakk Goodsell

To Write Love on Her Arms/photographer


Place of birth: Nowra, NSW

Year of birth: 1989

Lived in Launceston: on and off for 16 years

Hey i’m Zakk, I am heading up a depression awareness campaign known as To Write Love on Her Arms. I’ve lived in Launceston for a good chunk of my life and have been told time and time again that it is a backwards, unprogressive place.
I’m fortunate enough to have an education that was more than anything our education system could provide (something else that needs to be changed) from the people I’ve met and spent time with in Launceston.
They are the people who make this place amazing.
I want to raise the bar here. Everyone in this city deserves better and I want to demand and fight for that.
And the first step anyone needs is to see they are not alone and people actually do care.

Aaron Lister


Tyler Walters