Gershon Goldsteen


Place of birth: Netherlands

Year of birth: 1942

Lived in Launceston: Since 1983

After a career as a mariner in the Dutch Merchant Navy; and as a hydrographic surveyor in Canada, my family and I arrived in Launceston in 1983 to take up a lectureship at the Australian Maritime College. Soon alter this. I became involved in the re-establishment and running of the Jewish Community in Launceston.
I served primarily as the Hon. Manager of the Jewish Community Centre (Chabad House), retiring in December 2011 but continue in my role as educator in Jewish Tonics tor the Gentile community and as the Community’s spokesman.
The fact we are still here after 30 years must say something about Launceston. It is the longest period we have lived anywhere.

Holly Ranson


Roger Cameron