Lisa Banfield



Place of birth: Sydney

Year of birth: 1969

Lived in Launceston: 20 years

Who am I? What a big question.

In my professional life I work as a physiotherapist in a private clinic, Physiofit. The majority of my work involves treating men’s and women’s health issues, such as incontinence and sexual dysfunction ... Topics that aren’t polite dinner conversation. So should we talk about these issues more? Definitely !

I love my work but I equally love being in my garden with my chooks,ducks and veggies. Being in my garden feeds my soul and brings me peace surrounded by the beauty of Creation in all its glory. What a gift! I’m certain it makes me both a better person and physiotherapist.

Maybe I could start an outdoor clinic in my garden? It would get my neighbours talking. We could fix the problems of life... love , peace , sex and continence. We could become a nation of patient, kind, respectful peace-lovers who grow great vegetables , have great sex and never leak. Wow what a thought!

Roisin McCann


Lola Greeno