Sheri Edmunds

Pole Dance Instructor


Place of birth: Canada

Year of birth: 1973

Lived in Launceston: 28 Years

 I first became aware of pole dancing for fitness in 2005 when I saw a story on the Oprah Winfrey show that talked about the fitness aspects of pole.  I was instantly intrigued and installed a pole in my dining room and tried to find someone to teach me.  Because pole fitness was relatively unheard of back then I had no choice but to teach myself as there were no classes available.  It was not long after this that the Pole Revolution fitness studio was born and I now look back over the last 8 years with pride and a sense of gratitude.  Not many people are able to share their love and passion for something with others and make a career out of it at the same time.  I consider myself very lucky.

Grant Beaumont


Philip Wolfhagen